Killdeer, the bird (Charadrius vociferous), pretends to have a broken wing to lure predators away from its nest. Killdeer, the musical work, explores themes such as fatherhood and intergenerational trauma. Featuring an all-star team of musicians, Killdeer, the album will be released on New Focus Recordings in Winter 2023.

EFG trio is the fusion of three distinct, forward thinking musical personalities: Eyal Maoz, Frank London, and Guy Barash. In Transliminal Rites EFG trio navigates the bewildering landscape that exists in the intersection of improv, contemporary classical music, and jazz.

This release from the widely acclaimed, leading-edge pianist Kathleen Supové features electronics, theatrics, extended techniques, Yamaha Disklavier, and vocals ranging from humor to horror.

Violinist and composer Cornelius Dufallo began his “Journaling” series as a way to document the work of living composers and contribute to a repertoire of 21st century violin music.

In this fascinating album, Nadav Lev has assembled a highly varied program of music by six of the finest among Israel’s current crop of young composers.

Guy Barash’s debut album, Facts About Water, is a personal meditation on questions such as the fluidity of our perception, maintaining mindfulness amid a hyperactive modern society, and the cyclical nature of being in an attempt to make some sense of the world we live in.